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Hangover cures: Which ones work?

The London based news source Metro recently featured Drinkwel in their “Life & Style” section as a healthy hangover cure.  Below is a snippet from the featured article “Why most of us are probably drinking too much for our health”.

Hangover cures: Which ones work?

Alcohol Concern say around 200,000 people come to work with a hangover every day. So we’ve tested the latest hangover cures to stop you reaching for a hair of the dog.  The premise of DrinkWel tablets is simple. Dubbed the world’s first multivitamin for drinkers, it a combination of ingredients to replenish nutrients, support healthy liver function, and help your body process alcohol-induced toxins.  All you need to do is to take three capsules with water before going to bed and while that might sound on the excessive side, the benefits are worthwhile.  Despite being slightly dubious, I definitely noticed a difference the following day.  The feeling of dehydration that often comes along with an evening of overindulgence was noticeably absent and my mind felt clear and fresh.The only thing worth noting is that it is that it had a positive impact based on me consuming three large glasses of wine.  Whether it would be as effective if I had had more remains to be seen.  – Naomi Mdudu.

You can read the full Metro article online here.



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