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We all know there is nothing worse than that feeling of being hungover at work!  The London Evening Standard recently featured Drinkwel as a helpful cure to get you through the dreadful hangover and back to having a productive day at work.

Excerpt from the London Evening Standard article:

Wash it Down

“There are also supplements available for “healthy people who drink”. Drinkwel is £39.99 for a month’s supply (you’ve got to commit to a month of partying) with 33 ingredients and a claim that replacing depleted minerals and vitamins will help. If all else fails, our cocktail columnist Richard Godwin suggests his (patented) Sun and Moon cure – Berocca and Alka Seltzer XS in the same glass. Caffeinated paracetamol is also popular, washed down with sugary full-fat Coca-Cola.

I could end by advising you not to go over your recommended alcohol units for the week but actually, if you’ve made it through the day, you deserve a drink.”